I find the prospect of knowing who looks at my Friendster profile, when and how often they do so, pretty creepy. This is part of the reasoning behind my overall conclusion -- Friendster (and to a slightly lesser extent, Myspace & Facebook) is/are combining with 4:00 AM to destroy something essential to the fabric of the universe. And yet I continue to make use of these websites' services, while Rupert Murdoch looks on.
How could I let this happen? I think the problem here is aptly summed up in a selection from this "Ed" character's profile. Given that, by posting his information on Friendster, Ed effectively makes the information public knowledge, I do not have any internal qualms about reproducing said information here in order to make my point. As usual, the only part that really terrifies me is the way his beautiful, white-stockinged girlfriend is awkward, immobile beneath his embrace, which holds as one would a treasured thing that otherwise evades us entirely.
Pensive, introspective, uncaring, aloof, unpolished, sleepy, uninterested, deductive, accurate, debilitated, meandering, not to the point, day dreaming, holistic, Chinese, noodle lover, insatiable appetite, always broke, anti-social, hates phones, love etnie sandals, cold, starved, spoiled, dejected, rejected, humiliated, objectified, assumed, senile, no flavor, anti-authoritative, anti-establishment, anti-religion, anti-affiliation, anti-sensationalistic, bilingual, chaotic, deprived, sentimental, regretful, strategic, anti-hand lotion, anti-beauty products, anti-art for art's sake, epistomlogical, phenomenological, humanistic, stubborn, insightful, uncommunicative, unexpressive, uncontrollable, unmotivated, undomesticated, under educated, not pliable, unmaleable, unassimliated, reductionistic, underappreciated, underrated, under dog, prefers boxers, hates sox, hates suits, hates ties, hates saturated oil, likes oil paintings, dislike oil spills, environmentally minded but not environmentally active, semi political, semi libertarian, semi leftist, pro choice, pro education, no war, screw social security, universal sufferage, uninitiative, plays fair, drives fast, speaks slow, bad penmanship, fast typer, eloquent writer, disdainful, hates euphemisms, hates to make promises, black sheep, scape goat, misunderstood, misinterpreted, emphasizes fundamentals, existential, nihilistic, never used drugs, (seeks) humility,
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