

Though you wipe your hands and brush off the dust and dirt from the vessels, what is the use of all this fuss if the heart is still impure?


| re: machines rendering manual labor unnecessary - the difference is that the upper classes always gained reactive identity by way of a condescension toward those who did their bodily labor, be they african-american slaves, the proletariat, or women. one cannot in the same way condescend to a machine, and thus the reactivity by which we tried to assert our detached superiority over the body disappears, for it no longer has a subject-as-object upon which to displace/inflict its gaze -- only mere objects -- indeed the objects for which the oppressed classes have, throughout history, shed inexhaustible torrents of blood.

| re: what happens when the detachment from modes of power which is necessary for any true criticism & radical rennovation of values to take place does not coincide the establishment and affirmation of positive alternative values -- those who would be radicals are powerless, and become rematriculated into original power structures as members of lowest, most oppressed class; they go to jail, they become impoverished and marginalized. thus we reject the ascetic denial of power. BUT the most radical revolutionary will be a conservative the day after the revolution.

Though you wipe your hands and brush off the dust and dirt from the vessels, what is the use of all this fuss if the heart is still impure?


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